Is Soy Milk Acid or Alkaline? (Good for Acid Reflux?)

soy milk

If you’re dealing with acid reflux, you’re likely on the lookout for foods and drinks that won’t aggravate your symptoms. A couple of common questions that arise are whether soy milk or acidic or alkaline and another is if soy milk is a good choice for those with acid reflux.

Soy milk is around a 6.5-7.5 pH which means it could be either acidic or alkaline depending on how the soy milk is made and what has been added. Keep in mind that in either case soy milk could be slightly acidic or slightly alkaline.

So, let’s dive in and explore the acidity of soy milk and its impact on acid reflux in more detail.

What is the pH of Soy Milk?

Understanding the pH of soy milk is crucial in determining its effects on acid reflux. pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance on a scale of 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, with lower values being acidic and higher values being alkaline. Soy milk typically falls in the range of 6.5 to 7.5 on the pH scale, making it slightly acidic to slightly alkaline.

Comparing this to other types of milk, such as cow’s milk, which has a pH of around 6.7, soy milk sits in a similar range. When looking at common beverages, soy milk’s pH is akin to water, making it a relatively mild option.

How Does Soy Milk Affect Acid Reflux?

Soy milk can be a suitable choice for individuals with acid reflux due to its neutral to slightly alkaline nature. This property can help in neutralizing stomach acid, potentially providing relief from reflux symptoms. Additionally, soy milk contains nutrients like protein, calcium, and vitamins that can support digestive health.

To make the most of soy milk for acid reflux, opt for unsweetened and organic varieties to avoid unnecessary additives.

Unsweetened soy milk will be the least acidic choice and therefore the best choice especially if you have bad acid reflux like GERD or LPR. Look for soy milk that is plain with nothing added ideally. If you only have occasional or mild acid reflux, most soy milks should be a fine choice, even sweetened versions.

When you first have soy milk it’s also essential to consume it in moderation to prevent overconsumption, which could potentially lead to adverse effects. Some people’s digestive systems may not like soy milk especially in larger amounts though typically this is uncommon.

While soy milk is generally considered safe for acid reflux, some individuals may experience allergic reactions or hormonal imbalances from soy products.

Moreover, soy milk is high in FODMAPs, which can trigger symptoms in individuals with conditions like Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). In such cases, alternatives like almond milk or oat milk are more suitable.


In conclusion, soy milk falls within a slightly acidic to slightly alkaline pH range, making it a reasonable choice for individuals with acid reflux. Its potential to help neutralize stomach acid and provide essential nutrients that can support digestive health. However, it’s vital to be mindful of individual sensitivities and consider alternatives if necessary.

When managing acid reflux, finding the right diet that works for you is key. Experiment with different foods and beverages to see how your body responds.

Remember, for a comprehensive approach to managing acid reflux, consider following a diet that is tailored for acid reflux like our Wipeout Diet Plan and explore the option of a Private Consultation for tailored guidance.

Important Frequently Asked Questions

Is Almond or Soy Milk Good for Acid Reflux?

Both almond and soy milk can be good options for acid reflux as they are generally mild and can help neutralize stomach acid. However, individual tolerance may vary, so it’s essential to observe your body’s response. Generally, both options are good for most people though it may be argued that almond mild is slightly more alkaline and the better choice for acid reflux.

Can I Drink Soya Milk with Gastritis?

While soy milk is generally well-tolerated, individuals with gastritis should pay attention to how their body reacts to soy products. It’s advisable to consume in moderation and monitor any potential triggers for gastritis symptoms.

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