Natural Remedies for LPR – The Best Options

natural remedies for lpr

When it comes to natural remedies for LPR (silent reflux) there are a selection of options. Some of these will actually stop and help prevent acid reflux from happening in the first place and others will be better for immediate relief that offer relief and a soothing feeling.

Below I am going to cover the options you have available and the benefits to each of them.

Silent Reflux Natural Remedies


You may have likely heard before that diet is the best way to help LPR Symptoms and is one of the most important LPR remedies. This can be effective from 2 different angles. The 2 angles are of course primarily avoiding foods that cause LPR and the worst trigger foods for LPR and acid reflux in general. For all the foods I recommend you avoid check out this article – Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Foods to Avoid

Also, if you want a complete diet plan tailored for people with LPR I suggest you check out my diet plan – Wipeout Diet.

The other angle is foods that are soothing to acid reflux, these foods are usually low acid or even alkaline and generally cooling. To give you a few ideas of these foods I would recommend watermelon, celery or the likes of cucumber.

All of these are low acidity and are brilliant if you are having a flare up, they have both the cooling effect and the ability to neutralise acid, both of which should help ease and calm symptoms. For more foods that are good choices check out my article – LPR Foods to Eat.


One of the best options to give quick and effective relief is tea. But be careful not any tea will do. There are a couple of teas that I recommend.

The first tea I recommend is chamomile tea, the reason it is great is because it has anti-inflammatory properties which can be soothing for your throat and whole digestive tract. For more information on chamomile tea check our article – Is Chamomile Tea Good for Acid Reflux?

The other tea I recommend is marshmallow root tea, this tea is brilliant at lining the throat and the whole way down and into the esophagus and stomach, overall in terms of soothing properties this tea is probably your best choice. Here Is the varieties of the teas I recommend on Amazon – chamomile tea & marshmallow root tea.

One thing I recommend when drinking tea is to let it cool down a little before drinking it. Hot water can actually cause the throat more irritation so ideally it’s best to let the tea cool down a little before drinking it.

Alkaline Water

Alkaline water is basically water that has a high pH making it alkaline. There are a couple of main benefits to taking this kind of water for someone with LPR. The main cause of throat problems for someone with LPR is because of a digestive enzyme called pepsin coming up from the stomach and into the throat.

The important thing to note with alkaline water is that it deactivates the pepsin. So, if you have any pepsin in your throat causing symptoms drinking this water should deactivate any pepsin that may be in your throat.

Also when you drink this water because it’s alkaline this lowers the acidity of the stomach which also can help stop acid reflux and can be generally soothing to the whole digestive tract. For more information on the different kinds of alkaline water and how you can even make your own check this article – Alkaline Water for LPR.

Slippery Elm

Similar to the teas I mentioned above slippery elm can be mixed into water and drank as a tea. It has similar properties like the teas I mentioned earlier. It can be very soothing to a sore throat and generally the larynx – you can read more about it here – slippery elm for throat irritation study.

Slippery elm can also come in the form of lozenges but keep in mind some lozenges have ingredients which can irritate LPR so ideally it’s best to just opt for the tea instead.

DGL Licorice

DGL licorice could potentially be helpful for both reflux and the throat and the digestive tract. It may increase the production of mucus which in turn can help ease and soothe the throat and esophagus etc.

Chewable tablets are the best here because it coats everything on the way down into the stomach. Ideally when you are choosing these tablets you want ones with the least added ingredients as possible.

Baking Soda

Something that is often talked about is baking soda, it is one of the best home remedies for LPR. How you want to use baking soda is by mixing a small amount of it with water and mixing well. What this does is it creates an alkaline mixture which helps lower acidity of the digestive tract and the stomach and should help lessen symptoms.

While not the best long-term solution it can be an effective solution if you need a quick and fast ailment. For more information on how to make the solution and how the whole process works, check out this article – Baking Soda for Heartburn – Is it Effective? 

If you need more advice and guidance on what remedies are best for LPR or any other questions consider a private consultation with myself.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Treat LPR Naturally?

The best way to treat LPR naturally is through a strict low acid diet plan like the Wipeout Diet where you avoid foods and drinks with a pH of under 5 – a good starting point – LPR Diet Advice. There are also other things that can help, for example not eating within 3 hours before bedtime and also not eating a lot in one sitting.

Can You Cure Silent Reflux?

Yes in most cases silent reflux can be cured or at least vastly improved. The best way is through a low acid diet and some lifestyle changes. 

How Long Does LPR Take To Heal?

For every person it can be different. For some people simply eliminating trigger foods will be enough to completely resolve problems. Whereas for others they will have to stick to a strict low acid diet to see good improvements but not complete resolvement.

Is Honey Good for Reflux?

Generally I recommend people with LPR avoid honey when starting the diet because it tends to be a little too acidic. Manuka honey is usually more alkaline than regular honey so if you are to take honey it’s best to take manuka. After you start to feel better you can start to take honey more regularly without being concerned.

Is Water Good for Acid Reflux?

Water can be good but it can depends on the acidity of the water. The higher the pH of the water, the more likely it will be good for your acid reflux. Ideally water with a pH over 7 at least but more ideally over 8 pH will likely be helpful for acid reflux due to it helping neutralise the acid.

Few More Talking Points – 

Silent Reflux Natural Remedies

The best way to stop and prevent silent reflux is by a low acid diet like my Wipeout Diet. In terms of things to help ease LPR symptoms the foods I have mentioned above are great. If you want to go for medication I recommend Gaviscon Advance (UK version) – read more about why Gaviscon Advance is best here.

Most Effective Treatment for LPR

Usually the top 2 things I recommend people do is the strict low acid diet and taking Gaviscon Advance (UK version) 30 minutes after meals and before bedtime.

LPR Treatment Success

Usually for people who follow my advice see good improvement usually within 2 weeks time. For some it can take a little longer but it’s just important to remain consistent with it.

Related Posts –

Complete Guide to LPR

32 thoughts on “Natural Remedies for LPR – The Best Options”

  1. I have suffered for about 12 years from what I now know to be LPR and I literally want to copy and paste the link of this article to the doctor I saw (yet again), today who insisted on me taking Omniprozol I’m sick of the battle with them to be honest
    Without Google is never have got this far even
    this article is so so good

    1. Hey Cat, Yes I understand your frustration I had the same experience with doctors myself. It’s good though now you have your own knowledge, which you can act on yourself. Thank you for the compliment 🙂

  2. Hi , i have a terrible chronic cough and i have a lot study, visit a lot doctor and i take a lot medicine and don’t see result i think i have LPR, one doctor did a video endoscopy in mouth and he find reflux LPR, I dont feel burn in my stomach only cough and more cough and throat clearance, thank you

  3. I also have silent reflux and doctor given me 30 lansoprazole for 6 months which I don’t want to take,it is horrible and causes anxiety too,will limit alcohol and carry on with Gaviscon Advance
    Also this is common with any menapausal women out there too as stomach acid is low and doctors want to decrease it even more..agitated and confused

    1. Of course it can be different for everyone but I agree it shouldn’t be presumed that high acid is the cause for everyone.

  4. Hello Dr. Gray,

    I believe I have silent reflux . I have an excessive need to belch with air building up in my chest area and throat sometimes / lump feeling in throat ( can feel acid come up throat occasionally) . However when I blow my nose , for some odd reason it provides relief ( but comes back ) which is why I know it has to have some connection to my sinuses.

  5. Hi there.
    For 2 months now I have had a pressure in my chest and a very irritated throat that feels really tight and it is sometimes uncomfortable to swallow. My voice is horse and my chest is really tight occasionally. I also have a feeling that something is stuck in my throat. All of these symptoms come and go but have pretty much been hapening for 8 weeks. My doctor has prescribed me omeprozol that I have been taking for 2 weeks and I do feel like that has helped my chest pressure slightly but my throat is very sore and I continue to get the lump in my throat feeling. I dont have a cough at all but I feel that I am swallowing saliva more than usual and i but can lot. I am really worried about how I’m feeling and I’m determined to find a cause. Do you think it is lpr?

      1. Hello David,
        Thank you so much for sharing this information! I just learned that I have LPR after suffering for a year with it, I had no idea that there’s a condition called silent reflux! I just have a question regarding marshmallow root and slippery elm, they both have a blood sugar lowering effect, and I have hypoglycemia, do you know if there are alternatives to these? Or ways to take them without affecting blood sugar levels?

        1. Hi Lotus,
          You are most welcome. I wasn’t aware that they can lower blood sugar. As for an alternative it depends what you are looking for, if you want calming relief or to lessen symptoms. Let me know and I’ll give you the relevant answer.

    1. The best thing is to stop the acid and pepsin coming up. I would first suggest eliminating the common triggers of acid reflux. If that doesn’t help enough then following a low acid diet like my wipeout diet plan and drinking alkaline water can make the biggest difference.

  6. I have been taking Omeprozole 40mg twice a day for several years. I recently was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. Afterwards a month later I started having facial flushing, throat and sinus pressure since. Should I try the diet and the Gaviscon Advance and continue with the PPI’s at the same time?

    1. Hi Crystal,
      Yes I would suggest doing that, you can take them as the same time. Ideally I would suggest trying to taper of the PPIs probably after 1 month on the diet and the gaviscon, have a read of this article for more information – getting off PPIs.

  7. Hello, great website!
    So about 3 months ago I began coughing up a lot of phlegm only in the mornings, sore throat, shortness of breath, and deep inhale pain lower throat, upper chest. Went to ER and tested for covid, influenza and strep as well as Xray’s, doctor suspected bronchitis , infection, etc. Amount of phlegm decreased and symptoms, then we had a lot of cold wind and weather changes comes and it seemed to come back, went to emergency and they again did x-rays which were clear and suspected post nasal drip/and or reactive airway disease. They ordered a complete CT Scan of Abdomen, chest and throat to rule out, everything negative.
    So here I am 3 months later still coughing up a small amount of mucous in the mornings, sore throat, mucous always in my throat, deep inhale pain/discomfort(doctors say is muscle), on and off congested nose and airways, and what seem like breathing attacks now and again where my nose and airways are really congested, . I have tried puffers but they do nothing. and I also get some non productive coughing throughout the day usually when my nose and breathing is congested. Funny thing 1o months ago I made a radical diet change and went to a healthy diet veggies, fruits, fermented foods, lots of supplements, after which I began to be very bloated in right lower quadrant and right lumbar abdominal region, have had colon screen, Ultrasound, x-rays and CT Scan, CBC Blood, urinalysis, however SIBO breath test came back positive, anyways that bloating feel never goes away. The question I have do my symptoms sound consistent with LPR? Do you see a connection with the gut, perhaps a bacterial imbalance. Thanx from Alberta Canada.

    1. Hi Darren,
      Thank you. From what you have mentioned it does sound like LPR to me, especially as it happens in the morning. Sounds like you are getting more nighttime reflux. Also look into ways to adjust your diet to help the SIBO that is likely the cause of the LPR I would assume. I think things like too much fibre can make SIBO worse for certain people, really targeting that with a low acid diet would be how I would suggest helping things.

  8. David,

    So glad to find your site. I have had acid reflux for years to some extent – just enough to be annoying – no great, terrible episodes. I’ve tried Pepcid, Aciphex, Zantac, Prilosec, and Omeprazole to no avail. But now I have a continuing sore, scratchy throat, and a feeling of swollen gland on the left as well as phlegm in my throat on the left. Had an ultrasound to rule out lumps etc. = negative. Dr. told me he thought it was TMJ. I have sinus issues as well I do not have the typical heartburn, burning sensation in the chest, but sometimes a tingly, stinging sensation that lasts for just a second or two. Suggestions?


    1. Hi Nancy. How are you doing? I was so interested to read about your similar symptom of feeling like a swollen gland on one side. I too feel like I have a swollen tonsil when I swallow just on one side, but it comes and goes. Some days almost all day other days, maybe just 20 swallows I will feel it. Did this symptom ever go away for you? Love to hear how your doing. Thanks!

  9. I don’t have most of the symptoms that I have read about on your website. My problem is this nasty clearing of my throat a couple of hours after I eat and even If I skip a meal. If I am doing some public speaking and do not want to be clearing my throat every minute because I cannot clearly talk, I will skip eating before my speach and it is much better – just have to clear my throat a few times. I don’t have heartburn. Actually, based on what I have read, it is due to low stomach acid. I take Betain HCL and that helps but no guarantee I won’t have a plug in my throat. Any suggestions?

    1. If you think the Betaine helps then perhaps increasing the dose may be worth a try, upping it until you feel some burning, then the perfect dose for you is one less than that. Generally speaking though my main recommendations are a low acid diet like my wipeout diet plan and taking some med like Gaviscon advance (UK).

  10. Hi. The Slippery Elm lozenges you mention have been discontinued and are no longer available. Oh, I did find a small container for $60 on amazon. Any replacement suggestion? Thanks.

    1. I actually prefer to recommend something natural now, whether that is tea or some kinds of foods. Good food choices that are soothing are things like cucumber. celery, watermelon. What I actually like to do sometimes is make a juice with one or a mixture of these, not only is it refreshing but also really calms the stomach and digestive tract, celery in particular for me at least.

  11. I would just like to point out that a lot of people who have LPR also have low stomach acid (such as myself). I’m surprised you didn’t mention this since drinking alkaline water can cause further damage to those people.

    1. I mean there are a lot of potential causes to silent reflux. Some of which may be helpful for someone could perhaps irritate another person. Though generally speaking these suggestions help the vast majority of people with LPR.

    2. How do you know if you have low or high stomach acid – is there a specific test? I’ve been trying to get on top of LPR for 3 odd years now. I’ve had some success and most symptoms are almost gone but some still persist. I’ve tried a LOT of various things so now just wanting it to GO.

  12. Hi. I was very interested to see another poster mention the feeling of a swollen gland on just one side. I have had minor reflux symptoms in the past but for 2 months had feeling of a swollen gland on one side with a hoarse voice. Ent put me on PPI 4 week trial and soon after that I started with sore throats and thick post nasal mucus. Could I have low stomach acid since PPI added new symptoms? Never have bitter acid taste in throat or mouth.
    Main question is the feeling of a swollen gland when I swallow only on ONE side a normal symptom? Thanks

    1. Hi,
      It’s possible you could have low stomach acid yes. Is it definitive though – absolutely not. I have heard of the swollen gland on one side, infact I have had it myself. While I am not certain I think it could be correlated or linked to your ears in that case too. I wouldn’t say it’s a common symptom but it does happen for certain people.

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